New Group: Fortitude Valley Wednesday Breakfast – Fortnightly!

  • July 15, 2019
January 1, 2020 @ 4:45 pm – 6:30 pm Australia/Brisbane Timezone
QA Hotel
64 James St
New Farm
Networking BforB - CBD Fortitude Valley, Paddington & Milton

Let’s meet up for coffee and breakfast to discuss and meet the others that want to be apart of our new group!

Help us shape our new group and prepare for the launch of a fortnightly networking/referral lunch meeting. We have spaces open for most business categories don’t miss out on your opportunity to secure your position! We are meeting for a breakfast at our new venue QA Hotel (Queens Arms) for a 6:45am start and 8:30am finish.

Use this link to register:

Book Your Place (

Businesses we are Particularly looking for are:

• Building and Pest Inspectors

• Architect/Draftsman

• Commercial Property Cleaner

• Builder

• Electrician

• Handyman

• Property Developer

• Commercial Real Estate Agent

• Insurance Specialist

• Relationship Councillor/Mediator

• WHS Compliance Training Consultant

• Travel Agent

• Event Manager Coordinator

• Property Valuers

• Printer

• There are many more that aren’t listed we would love to see come along please message us if you would like to check your industry.

We are a very active, new group of businesses building a strong sense of community between us. We follow a structured agenda for our meetings, on which we have built a solid foundation of relationships and referrals. We work on the principle that each of us brings at least 250 business contacts within our network, to which we can connect our colleagues to add value. We meet every alternate Wednesday 6:45am start for a 8:30am finish.

We are seeking like-minded businesses that wish to be part of a friendly and dynamic group of businesses keen to grow through referrals, strategic alliances and shared business opportunities. We operate on the principle of getting to know, like and trust our colleagues, so we are confident in passing quality referrals. The group would welcome you to come along and meet us, see if we are a fit for your business and can add value to your marketing mix.

Contact Michael on[masked] to discuss and learn more!

About BforB

Are you looking for a friendly, dynamic and fun group which offers structure without too much pressure, to generate introductions to people across many industries, to businesses you would not normally meet, generating quality referrals and potential strategic alliances for your business to improve profitability and growth? Plus, inspiring and growing you as an individual to create whole new possibilities for your life?

BforB provides you with a supportive, like-minded business community with a sense of belonging, to enable you to develop a network you know, like and trust through ongoing business relationships. Plus, BforB helps you to learn and improve your pitching, networking, marketing and business skills, enabling you to grow personally.

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